My word of the year
I’ve been choosing a ‘word of the year’ for a few years now. It focuses my intentions for the year ahead and is less daunting that New Years’ resolutions. This idea came from the amazing Stasia Savasuk.
The word has a way of sneaking up on you and working into your psyche or somewhere ‘behind the scenes’ even without deliberate energy directed towards it throughout the year.
In 2020 my word was ‘simplify’. Our life was hectic - we had too many things to do and too many places to be. I wanted a simpler life. I simplified my wardrobe and let go of belongings that didn’t fit with our life and were taking up valuable (mental and actual) space. I used ‘simplify’ as a mantra whenever I came up against something tricky at work - keeping it simple worked for me to find a solution. And there was that whole ‘tree change - leave the hustle and bustle - live a slower life’ thing we did. It wasn’t until I was thinking about my word for this year, that I realised that we simplified our lives in a big way - not consciously thinking about my word at the time.
This year my word is ‘true’, as in, being true to myself.
Doing what is right for me. What feels authentic and from the heart.
Not saying ‘yes’ when I mean ‘no’.
Not dressing a certain way to fit in or blend in, or worse, disappear.
Reigniting my passion for creativity, which is when I feel most like myself.
Taking the time to check in with myself and appreciate my surroundings.
Geez, I love a mood board…. this one is all about: living from the heart // the colour green and emerald tones // floating in the river // taking time out // being inspired // beautiful spaces // embracing my curly hair… finally.
All images sourced via Pinterest [clockwise from top left]: stitch // Ksenya Ksushkina // // // HBH Supplies // // //